
Friday, March 13, 2015

"Heroes Of The Sea" - Danelle Harmon

It's been about a year since I met New York Times and USA Today bestselling historical-romance author Danelle Harmon, and what a year it's been! 

Originally, I started out advising her on possible routes to take when putting her highly successful "De Monteforte Brothers" and the "Heroes Of The Sea" series into audiobook format. 

In the end, the former was recorded by the very capable David Stifel who I am sure you know from stellar audiobooks like Douglas Clegg's "Neverland".

One of the books in the latter series had an Irish sailor as the central character which Danelle had hinted at me doing for about three months. 

As I had never narrated a historical romance novel before, I was ambivalent about adding "another string to my bow" as such, and declined. 

In the end, having not found a suitably accented narrator, and with time running on, we came to the agreement that I would do an audition sample and if she liked it, and I liked it, then we would take the plunge and produce an audiobook together. 
A new adventure for Danelle, and a terrifying exploration into a new genre for me! 

Now, several books in and I have to say that if you haven't tried listening to a well-written historical romance novel, then you are missing out on something very special indeed. 

That's as far as I am going to sell this.
I'll let the audiobooks speak for themselves……here!

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